Cijeruk Beach, Garut which is still a virgin

Garut, quite famous for its waterfall tour. But this time I will discuss about the beach. There are some very famous beaches but there are also beaches that are rarely even unheard of. This time we will discuss about the beach which is quite interesting, namely Cijeruk beach. This beach is dubbed as a beach that is still a virgin. This is because this beach is inland and is rarely exposed by the media. In fact, only some of the Garut people are new to the existence of this beach.

Cijeruk beach is a beach that is still beautiful and has not been touched by the general public. Its existence is far from the city causing this beach is still very well preserved. Cijeruk beach offers an atmosphere that is still beautiful and natural like a hidden paradise. In addition, this beach has clear water and fine sand surrounded by hills. Not only that, with the calm waves visitors can play water on the beach and can camp quietly on the beach. There are also many fishing spots here so you won't feel bored while visiting this place.

Cijeruk Beach Location
Cijeruk Beach is in the village of Sagara, Pameungpeuk sub-district, Garut district. Although this beach is located in Garut, but the actual location of this beach is closer to Tasikmalaya.

Access to Cijeruk Beach
For visitors who come from the direction of the city of Garut, visitors can pass the highway Garut - Cikajang, then go straight south to find the Cikajang road which continues with the Amblas road. Next through Ciparay to find the Cisompet Highway go straight south until the T-junction Cigodeg road. From the T-junction turn left onto the Sirna Bakti road. From Bakti ray road go straight east through Miramareu road. Until you find a substation that directs to Cijeruk beach.

As for visitors who come from the direction of Tasikmalaya, they can pass the Perintis Kemerdekaan road straight south to the Karangnunggal road then pass through Sheikh Abdul Muhyi, Sukaraja highway, Cibalong road, until finding Karangnunggal highway. After that, go along the Bantar Kalong road straight south until you find a T-junction on the Cipatujah Highway then turn right towards Ciandum Street. From the Ciandum road the journey continues westward through the Trans Java West route. Until you find a road sign that leads to Cijeruk beach

Retribution Fee for Cijeruk Beach
There is no charge for the entrance fee for Cijeruk Beach. Visitors can enter freely on the condition that they are not allowed to damage or pollute the beach. However, visitors will usually be charged a parking fee with a standard parking rate for the vehicle, depending on the type of vehicle being carried. For operational hours of Cijeruk beach, the manager applies rules to open the beach area from 07.00 - 17.00 WIB.

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